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Ministries of Union Baptist
We believe every child of God should be serving the Lord in some way. Find a place at Union Baptist where your family can grow spiritually and serve God.
Our passion at Union Baptist is to know Christ and make Him known. Our heartbeat is that others will come to know Christ as their personal Savior and live for Him. Every ministry and outreach will have this goal at its core. Come see how you can get involved in God's work and how you can introduce others to the life-changing love of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Hudson teaches the adult Sunday school class each week at 10:00 AM, bringing clarity and understanding to important doctrines and relevant subjects such as salvation, the church, marriage, parenting, God, sin, Satan, wisdom, money, and much more.
Teenagers at Union Baptist Temple have their own class where Bible lessons are taylored to the specific needs of young people growing up in the world today. Practical how-to lessons on dating, purity, character, honesty, integrity, discipline, decision-making, principled living, and responsibility are among the many taught week to week.
Ages 4-preteen are taught a curriculum of Bible stories and corresponding life applications. Our exciting program is designed to make the Bible come alive for our children.
Bible Study
Sunday School
Wednesday evening is a unique, laid-back service with something special for all ages. Adults meet in the auditorium as Pastor Hudson teaches through the Bible chapter by chapter. Using an interactive power point presentation, he expounds on themes in the Bible, symbolism, and life applications. Teens meet downstairs for a preaching service and children have their own class where they enjoy a fun Bible lesson.
We believe it is important for young people to stay busy serving the Lord, and focus on preparing for a future that is first and foremost surrendered to God's will.
Teen Sunday School class meets every Sunday at 10:00 AM. This is a time for teens to learn the Bible, and get grounded in their faith.
Youth Night on Wednesdays is at 6:30 PM and is a time for teens to hear the Word of God preached and fellowship with other Christians.
All teens are welcome and encouraged to come to our regular services, get involved in a ministry, and use their talents and abilities in their local church.
Regular activities allow the teens to have fun and enjoy fellowship with each other in a Christ-centered and Godly atmosphere.
Bus Ministry
Our team of faithful bus workers go out into the highways and hedges of our community to reach out to children and teenagers and bring them to Union Baptist Temple. Many children ride the bus to Sunday School. Because of the generosity of our people, we are able to make a difference in the lives of many young people every week. If you would like to know more about the bus ministry or would like a ride to church please contact us here or call the church at (636) 583-8228.
Temple Baptit Academy

Temple Baptist Academy was started in 2002 for the people of Union Baptist to have an education option that works hand-in-hand with the church. At TBA, the most important class is on Sunday when we meet for church. TBA is not intended to be merely an alternative to the public school, but rather a church centered, ministry focused education. We only accept students of like faith who attend church regularly. We utilize the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum. If this school sounds like a good fit for your children please give us a call or email us, or you can follow the link below to submit an online application for enrollment. You can also find more information about the curriculum at the links below.
Online Application
Accelerated Christian Education
Graduation Requirements
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